In Which Life is Chaotic

Posted by justme on 8:17 PM
Hey peeps,

No, I haven't forgotten about you. Life's just been a little nuts since I got back. I started a full-time internship about a week after I got back, and my system REALLY hates the whole "getting up at 6:30 so you can work for 8 hours" thing. Don't get me wrong, I love the job (I'm translating/helping with school programs/doing whatever needs to be done at a children's museum here). It's just... insane.

So of course I decided to go back to my old weekend job doing birthday parties at an animal shelter. Bye-bye free time, but hello money! Hopefully I'll have saved enough by the end of the summer to pay most of next year's rent. Provided we can find an apartment, that is...

Yup. That's right. I have 2 roommates lined up, but we have nowhere to live. If anyone knows of a cheap place to live in the nation's capital, I'm open to suggestions! Provided, of course, that rent is less than $800/person with hydro.

So that's my life in a nutshell. Sorry for the short (and uber-late) post, but it's my bedtime.


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