In Which I Reflect on Frosh Week

Posted by justme on 6:00 AM
Hi all,

So frosh week is over. A full week of concerts, people, and generally craziness is done. No more being called a "little fucker" (at least not affectionately), no more being told to "show me how you trim your bush" or telling the engineers that "we get laid!". It's kind of a bittersweet feeling.

I guess the best way to do this is to pick the best and the worst of what this week had to offer and then reflect on it. So without further ado...

Winner: the carnival. Aside from the wicked games and free food (I ate a LOT of hotdogs this week, because who doesn't love a free meal?), this was where I started to feel accepted. When you don't know anybody around you, it's kind of nice to have someone acknowledge your existence! And all the upperclassmen were actually friendly ("little fuckers" stuff aside), so that helped me to open up as well.

The winning memory from outside the 101 week stuff is definitely from yesterday. I walked down to the market near my school in the morning and just sat in the sun enjoying my croissant and hot chocolate. The entire market smelled like baking bread (yum!) and I felt totally peaced out. It was really nice :)

Oh, and I suppose being taken back to the school by a dude who decided to turn our school bus into a party bus deserves an honourary mention. That was just plain fun. 

Now for the worst:

The prize for worst event is actually tied. Contestant #1: the foam party at Volt. The club itself was just nasty and I ended up leaving early. Not cool.

Contestant #2 is the concert last night. They were (theoretically) taking us to see Down With Webster. Cool, right? Not. Not only did they drop us off right after the football game, so that nobody had a chance to get sweaters or anything, but we got there a good 2 hours early. Sure, we could distract ourselves by getting free swag or standing in the hour-long line for an overpriced hotdog, but that only lasted so long. I wish I could say things got better after the first opener (of 3!) came on, but that would be lying. It was like being at a Nickelback concert - after the first 2 songs, everything just sounded the same. Enough of us gave up by 9:00 that we were able to get a bus to take us back to the school... with the aforementioned bus driver attached. The night definitely improved from then on.

So... yeah. That's about it for my frosh week reflections. It was the best of times and it was the worst of times, but either way it's over now. Stay tuned next week for my (sure to be hilarious) description of my course load.

Ciao for now,


You are such a great writer. I feel like I am with you as you have all of these experiences. I'm so glad we were able to help with the move in because I can picture everything. Love you.

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